domingo, 5 de diciembre de 2010

"como copo de nieve mecido por el viento. Capítulo 4

así llegué yo al Señor"

16 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

no te detengas sigue esta historia que me la quiero aprender de memoria

Paco dijo...

Hola. Acabo de ver tu huella en mi blog y yo, para no ser menos, dejo la mía en el tuyo.

Un saludo, Paco.

Pd.-El tipo de la izquierda de tu viñeta, se parece a Juan Ramón Jiménez.

Paco dijo...

Perdón, el de la derecha.

Paco dijo...

No, ahora que lo pienso, es un híbrido entre JRJ y Van Gogh...

Giocondo dijo...

Pues algo así era de verdad el padre de mi protagonista , un poco dandy y un poco loco ...

MJ dijo...

Queda genial todo junto asi en cómic. Si puedes poner la letra toda del mismo tamaño mejor...

Hazme caso con lo de fotocopiarle y sacar dinerillo para financiar la beneficiencia..

Soy tu asesora...
La historia esta muy interesante y enigmatica contada y abre el apetito de saber que paso..aunque yo ya lo sepa. Es como ver una pelicula de Jesus de Nazaret que uno ya se sabe la Historia pero el com o la cuentan es lo que uno quiere disfrutar..
Ese es tu Arte



MJ dijo...

Monica, perdona que sea indiscreta pero debes decirle a Paco que el si que es igualito a un ex-novio que tuviste, por lo menos viste igual

Paco dijo...

MONICA, tu protagonista es entonces como yo, un poco dandy y un poco loco.

MRS. WELLS, pues claro que visto como el ex de Mónica. Llevo pantalones y todo eso. Tan sólo que no me dedico a cazar chinches con una escopeta de balines...

Un saludo, chicas.

MJ dijo...

Monis esta es una Noticia que aparecio en \@the Times@ en 1998 donde se menciona a la Fundadora

The Times

March 16 1998EUROPE

Martyr of Stalinism 'selected' as patron saint of football


A BULGARIAN bishop who yesterday became the first victim of Stalinism to be beatified is being canvassed as the future patron saint of football.

Yevgeni Bosilkov, the former Bishop of Nicopoli in Bulgaria, was declared "blessed" - the penultimate step to sainthood - by the Pope at St. Peter's. Two nuns were also beatified: an Italian, Brigida Morello, who lived in the 17th century, and the 19th-century Carmen Salles of Spain.

Bishop Bosilkov was condemned to death in 1952 in Sofia for opposing Stalin's anti-religious laws. He was charged with "subversion and espionage", tortured and executed at the age of 52, facing the firing squad "in the odour of sanctity", according to supporters. His body was thrown into a common grave, and it was only in 1975 that Todor Zhivkov, the Communist leader, admitted the killing to the Pope.

Bishop Bosilkov's beatification became "less problematical" after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Vatican officials say. But papal plans to visit Bulgaria to mark the step were obstructed by the Orthodox Church. The Pope said that the bishop had been "one of the many victims of atheistic communism ... in its programme of annihilation of the Church".

Bishop Bosilkov is also remembered as a down-to-earth man whose main secular interest was football. According to his niece, Sister Gabriella, 80, a nun who attended the ceremony, he was a man of "great personal charisma" who chain-smoked, entertained friends with funny stories and founded a hunting club.

His "passion for football" never went beyond the local level, but he played it "all his life", she said. What more fitting candidate, Corriere della Sera asked, to become patron saint of football, and possibly of hunting as well, although St Eustace already fills that role.

The response was enthusiastic, not least in the Vatican, which has its own football league, with teams for Vatican Radio, the Secret Archives, the Vatican Post Office and the Vatican Fire Brigade. There is also a Vatican five-a-side team, which is doing so well that its manager, Roberto Di Stefano, is thinking of fielding an 11-man team in the national league.

"Having a patron saint is a marvellous idea," said Signor Di Stefano. "Of course, we already have a bit of help from above here in the Vatican, but a few extra prayers could not do any harm." There are patron saints for athletics (St Sebastian), anglers (St Andrew), gun enthusiasts (St Barbara), huntsmen (St Eustace), dancers (St Vitus), for fliers (St Joseph of Copertino), mountaineers (St Bernard of Aosta) and yachtsmen (St Nicholas).

The Pope was a keen football player as a young man in Poland and is said to follow the fortunes of the Vatican teams closely.

Paco dijo...

Ich been ma patronen mère, jundismonfagen abisinien ghost endeed.

Jolines, que cualquiera se entera de tu artículo, MRS. WELLS.

I need one translater, please.

Giocondo dijo...

en el siguiente post entonces habrá fútbol

Giocondo dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Anónimo dijo...

¿qué hace quien no sabe inglés, mrswells? lo digo por el articulo del periodico´.

¡A qién interese! yo lamadre, he reconocido claramente a cada personaje, BRAVO.................

Anónimo dijo...

¡Bueno,! mrswell, por lo menos sé que se trata de C.Sellés, lamadre

Giocondo dijo...

mónica , también podéis ayudarme los que conocéis la historia

Anónimo dijo...

Esta que escribe.... es la que faltaba...os doy alguna pista???.
Monis, sigue, es estupendo. Esa cabeza (y esa mano) tuya hay que aprovecharla!!!. Claro que la de esa tal MadreWells, tampoco se queda corta. Quiero más dibujos publicados. Esos de gente conocida de un cuaderno que anda pululando por ahi.